Monday, March 19, 2012

The Indian barber

Going to the barber with Dad was not always fun during my single digit years, but always intriguing. My dad would take me to the local Indian barber (from India) down the street. 

Standing only a little higher than the arm rest of the barber chair; the chair could be adjusted for height, but not for reach of a 7-8 yr old. I remembered having to climb into the barber-chair and sit on a makeshift plank which straddles both the arm rests. The Indian barber would then plaster me with talcum powder around my neck (choking me as it settles all over), before popping a fresh slug of ‘sirih’ (betel) leaves into his mouth, showing a red stain mouth which is less than comforting for a young boy who probably had more than his share of local ‘pontianak’ (Dracula) movies. The cloth he would throw over me would always have some red (sirih) stains, and smelled like his last twenty customers. But the distinct smell of BayRum cologne (which they still use today) would overpower every other smell.
The famous BayRum colonge .. didn't know it came in 2 colors

My Dad curiously would go on the sleep mode the moment he sat on the chair (still does) and the Indian man would know exactly what to do .. from the hair cut, shave, a back slapping massage, and finally top it off with the neck twist (popping) manoeuvre.  

Today, I took my 92 years old father to the barber shop to get his hair cut; it’s amazing how the memories came flooding, back to time he used to take me for haircuts as a small boy. 

The place still smells the same, has the same quaint barber chairs, and the barbers are still from India, and yes the plank is still used for ‘short’ customers.
The famous plank .. for little people (he was quite happy to pose)
It s been 40 + years, but yeah ..some things do not changed much.

Not sure how much my dad would have paid for my haircuts back then, but today it was Rm15.00 for a cut .. I was quite happy to whip out my wallet and pay the man ..  and return the favour to my Dad. 

After all, some memories are quite priceless...

Dad getting a good hair cut
Dad goes into sleep mode


  1. Wow, your Dad sure has a lot of hair for a 92 yr old! And it really is amazing how some things don't change at all. I sure hope that plank is not the same one used from back in the Jurassic era...(shiver)

  2. Cherish the times we have with our parents....never can be had again!
